Use your own handwritten signature in most programs when saved as a True Type Font
Signature Fonts

Placing Your Order:

To place your Signature Font order, Print Out
a Signature Font Order Form, complete the form, write your signature on a blank piece
of paper, and then mail, fax, or email your form and signature to us.
We suggest that you sign your name several times and then place a check mark next
to the signature you like best. If you have scanning capabilities, you can scan your own
signature and then email the order form and signature scan to save regular-mail delivery
time. We recommend that you scan at least at 300 dpi if your scanner allows.
If you don't have a scanner and still need quicker service, you can enlarge your signature
200 to 400% if you have a photo copier that allows enlargements, and then fax your order
form and enlarged signature. We recommend enlarging your signature because of quality
loss during fax transmission. Depending upon the quality of the fax, your Signature Font
may not be suitable for True Type Font conversion. We will inform you if this is the case
and recommend sending your signature order by overnight delivery or by regular mail.
Installing Your Signature Font:

We include font installation instructions with each order. If you previously purchased
a Signature Font and lost your instructions, you can click here for
Using Your Signature Font:

Using your Signature Font is easy! Select your font name from your programs font
selection menu and then press the keystroke(s) assigned to your signature font.
Once you have place your Signature Font into your document, you can drag your mouse cursor
across your signature to highlight it, and then assign a point size to make the signature
larger or smaller. Since the signature is actually created from mathematically calculated
points stored within the font file, you can make your signature any size without losing
any quality. You may also change the color of your signature while it is highlighted by
using the font color selection tool that is available in most programs. If you are printing
your document on a color printer, the signature will look even more natural if it is a
different color from the regular text used in the document.
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Handwritten Fonts

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